Friday, March 30, 2012

reason #550

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Coconut milk! Made from real coconut? Are you kidding me? I would buy 10 a month. If only Trader Joe's would come to Utah.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oh Trader Joes. It's been too long.

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I know that is has been a while since I posted about my NEED for Trader Joes to come to Utah.

Guess what? I haven't forgotten my old flame. It's hard not to believe so much of the gossip. Some say they won't come to Utah because of our liquor laws, and TJs thrives off selling their Two Buck Chuck. Trader Joe himself claims that it's a distribution issue (well, not really Joe, but representatives have said this).

To which I say REALLY, TJs? But you can have three in New Mexico and one in Spokane? Come on! Give some love to the Rockies. 

I use my Trader Joes reusable bags all of the time. And wouldn't you know it, every single time someone gets excited at the sight of them, hoping that I got them close by. I have to relive my sadness as I commiserate with the hapless individuals who also love Trader Joes.

What are we going to do, TJ? 

I have an idea... !
